
The Debates: It’s the Policy, Stupid

In the presidential debates, much ado will be made about the clash of personalities and about who is lying to whom, but everyday Americans are desperate to hear about policies that will actually improve their lives.

By Winston Fisher and Sly James

The first of three presidential debates will happen tonight in the … read more

How Biden’s plan for childcare and pre-K education should reframe how Democrats talk about families and the economy

Democrats have ceded pro-family and pro-economy rhetoric to Republicans for years. Now it’s time to claim it back with policies for investing in children and families.

By Mayor Sly James & Winston C. Fisher

Recently, Joe Biden announced a $775 billion plan to help working parents, fund childcare, and promote … read more

Our Schools: Bridging the Skills Gap

When kids DO go back to school, what should they expect?

By Winston Fisher and Sly James

Everyone is up in arms about schools reopening this fall—as they should be. At a bare minimum, going to school should not come with threats of bodily harm. But while most of us want schools … read more